We all know the suffering we go through when we have pharyngitis or commonly known as sore throat. It makes you unable to eat, drink, or even sleep comfortably.

Pharyngitis is usually caused by common cold and influenza viruses, allergies, or, in a few cases, a bacterial infection. Although the pain is severe, it often disappears spontaneously within days of your infection, and there are many ways to help you relieve the pain. [1]

Ways to treat pharyngitis

Try one or more of these home remedies to relieve a sore throat:

Drink fluids (warm or cold)

Drink more warm liquids, such as a cup of hot tea or warm soup, or you can drink cold liquids if that makes you more comfortable, whether cold water, cold juice, or whatever you want. Try the two types (cold and hot) and choose what suits you most. [2]

Fluids will help moisten your throat, clear mucus, and also relieve a cough if you suffer from it. [2]

Gargling with water and salt

Dissolve a quarter or half teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water, Gargle with the solution for several seconds before spitting it into the sink and repeat this process more than once a day to relieve sore throat and congestion. [3]


Honey can be very useful for relieving throat pain and swelling, as it contains antimicrobial properties. To use it, you can dissolve a tablespoon of honey in a glass of warm water and drink it or swallow the spoon of honey directly to relieve throat irritation. [4][5]


Analgesics help relieve throat pain, fever, and any accompanying physical pain. Examples include paracetamol (Panadol and its commercial alternatives) and ibuprofen. [4]

Some analgesics are available in special formulations to relieve sore throat and its accompanying symptoms (such as Panadol Cold & Flu and its commercial alternatives). These formulations contain a pain reliever and additional substances to relieve some other symptoms, such as congestion, runny nose, cough, or allergies. [4]

Try lozenges

Lozenges are available in different shapes and types in the market, they contain local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory to relieve your pain temporarily, and it also helps moisturize the throat. [4]

Breathe humidified air

Whether by using a home humidifier, or by fumigating or taking a warm bath if it is not available. [3]


The best thing you can do if you have a sore throat due to a cold or flu is to sleep well and get some rest, but since sleeping or lying down may cause an increase in sore throat, use several pillows to raise your head, or relax in a comfortable chair. [2]

When do I need to use antibiotics?

Most cases of sore throat are caused by viruses or allergies. In these cases, antibiotics will not help relieve your symptoms or speed up recovery. However, sometimes the cause of sore throat is a bacterial infection. This is indicated if your symptoms are very severe and do not improve within 7 days. In this case, you must see a doctor to prescribe you the appropriate antibiotic. [6]

Reasons for seeing a doctor

Often the sore throat subsides on its own within just 3-10 days, but you should see a doctor if your symptoms are severe, or indicate that you have a bacterial infection and need an antibiotic prescription, and these symptoms include: [6][7]

  • Sore throat persists for more than 7 days.
  • Difficulty swallowing or opening the mouth.
  • Fever (39 degrees or more).
  • Severe tonsil enlargement.
  • White or red dots/patches on the throat or tonsils.
  • Ear or joint pain.
  • Swollen neck or lymph nodes.
  • Cough or phlegm with blood.
  • Hoarseness for more than a week or two. [2]

Visit the ENT Department at Al-Ahli Hospital to get the best treatment under the supervision of professional physicians and consultants.


  1. muhealth(),[www.muhealth.org "Causes and Treatments for Sore Throat"], muhealth, Retrieved 2024-07-11. Edited.
  2. ^ أ ب ت ث health.clevelandclinic(),[health.clevelandclinic.org "6 Sore Throat Remedies That Actually Work"], health.clevelandclinic, Retrieved 2024-07-11. Edited.
  3. ^ أ ب WebMD Editorial Contributor(),[www.webmd.com "Remedies for Sore Throat"], webmd, Retrieved 2024-07-11. Edited.
  4. ^ أ ب ت ث drugs(),[www.drugs.com "What is the best sore throat medicine to use?"], drugs, Retrieved 2024-07-11. Edited.
  5. Taylor Lindsay, PharmD, BCPS(),[www.safemedication.com "How Can I Treat a Sore Throat at Home?"], safemedication, Retrieved 2024-07-11. Edited.
  6. ^ أ ب nhs(),[www.nhs.uk "Sore throat"], nhs, Retrieved 2024-07-11. Edited.
  7. health team(),[info.health.nz "Sore throat"], health, Retrieved 2024-07-11. Edited.